Have you noticed how much we need nature?

Have you noticed how much we need nature?

When I founded it's logic, I imagined a company active in its environmental work, in which the first to the last worker was involved in the actions we carry out as a company. I did it with the conviction that people, as individuals, have the power to change the environment. Cleaning up natural spaces is part of our DNA. I also believe that we are being faithful to our commitment. It is very important that, as a brand, we do not give a message that is empty in feeling and reality.

During the lockdown, we have had to put aside environmental actions with our community to respect social distancing. What a strange stage, right? We have never experienced anything like it before. Or at least I had never experienced anything like this. When this type of thing happens to us, we realize how much we need hugs, conversations with friends, and direct connection with nature.

Have you noticed how much we need nature? The total lockdown ended and the first thing we all did was go for a walk to the nearest park, get lost in a forest... hug trees! Being in contact with nature is very important to us, although many times we are not aware of it. The question is: Do we need to be kept from leaving our homes to appreciate the importance of the natural environment in our mental health? As you can see, an infinite number of questions arise in this regard, given that I still cannot understand how someone can be so disconnected from the natural world that they do not care about dirtying it. Personally, I am not looking for culprits with this issue, but I am in favor of the fact that with our actions we can inspire all those people who are not yet aware of the importance of respecting the environment.

I write these lines as a reflection after the second day of collection with the team. We have set ourselves the task of going out at least one day a week to pick up trash. Our office is in an industrial zone in the west of Madrid, where a few hundred meters away we have a beautiful forest in which some soulless people throw garbage, rubble and much other rubbish, so we have close to a natural space that we can improve with very little effort. It's a shame.

Before and after our cleanup.

We cannot allow it.

Act locally and think globally. This guides us. Since we live in Spain, we do not have the ability to do these actions in other countries, although we would like to. If you are reading this and would like to participate in cleaning up a natural space from your environment, we would be very happy to receive your message to prepare this initiative.

This is it's logic, a brand created to act now.

Keep going.



It’s logic CEO